What the heck is music & beans?

Music & Beans is a weekly newsletter written for music geeks by a music geek. Every Wednesday, I’ll send over a little-known story, a musical tidbit, an analysis of an album or something that will hopefully make you look at your favorite musicians and songs in a different way.

Who the heck are you?

Sarah Hallam. Culture writer & editor, and a talentless music fan. If you like my writing, you can check out more of my work here. If you want more streams of consciousness, you can follow me on Twitter here.

Why the heck are you doing this?

I’m passionate mainly about two things: music and writing. So I figured…why not do both?

I also want to do this for you! I want to make this newsletter as informative and entertaining as possible. If you are also passionate about music and writing, or just have stumbled upon this newsletter, I would love to hear from you!

Send me your musical hot takes, things that keep you up at night, what you wanna see in the newsletter, suggestions and feedback — or just drop by to say hi. You can reply to any of the M&B emails, or reach me at sarahhallam17 [at] gmail [dot] com.

Subscribe to Music & Beans

a weekly newsletter at the intersection of music, pop-culture and history


They say those who can't, write.